Friday, February 20, 2015

Update for Vicky's Side (be prepared for lots and lots of whining...)

   I already warned you. There's going to be A LOT of whining. If you're still here then, well, strap yourself in. 
   Let me get to the point. It's been a long day and I'm tired. As an author, your job is to find inspiration and use it. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard for me (mostly 'cuz I'm 11) because argh... NEVERMIND. Most of the time, I want to put a spoiler in the text. I don't know why. It's just me. ANYWAY...Chapter 1 of Vicky's Side is most likely going to be published on Sunday, though I'm not done yet so only time will tell. I know I work at a SUPER slow pace, but that's just how I am. With only a few days left of February vacation, I'm not so sure that I can handle the blog and school work. So before hand, I want to apologize if I miss a deadline or forget to release the chapter. Anyway, I'm heading out the deadline cave with Chapter 1. I worked really hard on it and hoped you guys enjoy it!!!

***I put the whining to a minimum. Be thankful of that..***

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