Saturday, February 21, 2015

New Stuff...

   Hey everyone!!! I just wanted to update everyone about what new things are happening at Sweeter than Fiction Land. First off, you might've noticed that the shout out tab disappeared. I deleted it because it's taking up space on the tab line (which is rather short, if you ask me...). So the next logical question you have is are you continuing the SHOUT OUTS?!? Well in that case... I am. If I don't get anymore emails, then I might stop the shout outs. But, at the moment, yes. I will be continuing the shout outs. NOW, you're probably wondering where I'll put the shout outs. My answer would be in the HOME tab. Sooo that's that. 
   The next new thing is that I'm changing the STORY tab to DIARY. I'm not going to delete the story or anything, just hanging the tab name. The reason why is because story seems so... how to put this... simple. Yeah. Simple. If you knew me, you'd understand why SIMPLE is my arch nemesis. So yeah. I'm almost at the end of Chapter 1 of Larissa's Side... SUPER CLOSE TO BEING DONE WITH THE FIRST CHAPTER. Give me a secind to celebrate. 

*throws a handful in the air*
No, that's not enough. Let's add...


   Sorry. That got a little out of hand. Ahem. Anyway, I think you get how hard it is to write stories. Well, of course I'll never be as good as Shannon Messenger, but I mean I'm eleven, so what can you guys expect? 


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