Thursday, December 31, 2015


Okay, so well it's been a while... but I promise, it's really me! I wanted to let y'all know that I have moved! Well I've moved a long time ago, but that's not the point. If you wanna check it out, click HERE.

Or copy and past this into your search bar.

Thanks so much!


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Long day, pretty much nothing done...

     Argh. I have so much to do, yet I'm still doing a blog post. I have so much homework that I have to finish to go to my algebra class tomorrow and I just don't feel like doing it. I've spent the whole day just staring at my computer screen, not know what to do. I've also been reading Keeper of the Lost Cities. I just love that series. Ah. I could spend all day reading the gloriousness, but alas, my mom is now giving me a lecture on doing stuff in the last minute. Let that be a lesson to you guys. Do. Not. Procrasinate. I'm not sure how to spell it but whatever. Got to go. Wish me luck. Bye! 

                                                                                      -Cindy from Sweeter than Fiction

Friday, March 6, 2015

Guess what came in the mail???

     Eeeeeeeeeeee! My books came in the mail! Oh, but not any books...KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES was delivered to my house! I've read the book seventeen times, (yes I've been keeping track) and I've never loved it any less! I can't wait for Neverseen to come out, and if you didn't know yet, it comes out in November! As I've mentioned one too many times, Shannon Messenger is my absolute favorite author. She writes the best books and has the best humor. Check out her blog if you don't believe me (to do that, just click on Shannon Messenger). She. Is. The. Best. If you don't know already, there are three books in the series. Keeper of the Lost Cities, Exile, and Everblaze. I've read all of them multiple times and LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM. !!!! I only got Keeper of the Lost Cities and Exile, but Everblaze will be MINE soon. I even decided to take a few dorky pictures with them. If you don't want to see them, then I suggest you leave this post NOW. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Me with Keeper of the Lost Cities

Me with Exile

Me overly excited, holding both of the books. Aren't they beautiful? 


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Do better in school!

     Wait, no, don't go! Okay. This needs to be quick. I have geometry class in about ten minutes so, this is kind of a rushed post. Let's be honest. I haven't blogged in the last few days because of my busy schedule and I'm sorry for that. I have been studying for a test and found a new, easy way to study. 
     This is super cool. So there's this website called QUIZLET. They are the best tool to study ever. So you create flash cards, study them, and then take a quiz. You can retake the quiz with the same word, just with a different format. I know it's not much, but it's come to the rescue many times when I'm doing some last minute studying. (Which is very often, if you ask me.) You'll probably have to make an account, but it's free and takes about a minute to do. Super simple. If you guys want to check that out you are welcome to. Click 

     I know some of you guys have different ways to study and/or are trying to find your own way to study, just like me. I basically got like B's and C's when I tried to study with flashcards. But after I found Quizlet, it's like a waterfall of A's came right at me. If you haven't checked it out yet, I totally recommend using it to study. It works with all subjects. I mean, it doesn't hurt to try, right?

I've got to go now, but I'll definetly be back soon! Love you guys!!!!!! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Busy, busy, busy

     I'm literally sweating right now. But lucky for you guys, I made some time to do a blog post. (*wipes forehead*) So, basically, I've separated myself with Sweeter than Fiction. But that won't be for long. So here goes my rambling update about what's going on and what's going to happen. Starting now...

-As you can see,m Vicky's Diary is gone. Sorry guys, but I mean writing a chapter a week is a lot of work and I'm super busy. (I mean, check out the post title...) 

-Another thing, is that I will be doing a column (prolly on the side), about blogs I love. I think the list will be short, but that's subject to change. 

-A new tab is coming up. MY DIARY is going to be released tomorrow! 
(*pauses and does a weird happy dance*)

-I will be participating in Shannon Messenger's MMGM meme. It happens every Monday, and is basically a list of book reviews done by bloggers. 
Check it out HERE

-So, for the MMGM, I will be posting a book review every week. (Er, Monday if you want to be specific..)

-The Quote of the Day tab will be changed to QUOTE OF THE WEEK, because I don't have time to post something everyday like I did before. 

-Follow Sweeter than Fiction by email to get updates whenever I post something new!!! You can find the follow thingy on the side. :-)

-Um, I think that's it...

Well, see you guys later!! I'm going to try and fix this thing....

*clicks madly*

*realizes that she hasn't exited the post*

*sighs because of her stupidity*

*realizes again that she hasn't exited the post*

*covers face in embarassment* 

*exits the post in shame*

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Updates, ramblings, and more rambling...

   New features and updates! I don't have much time, so hoping most of these are correct...

-On March 1st I will be releasing a new tab called "My Diary". It will be kind of a journal thingy about me.New entries will be posted once in a while,  but I will tell you when there's new stuff, or if you can't wait, you can follow Sweeter Than Fiction by Email. 

-I will be doing book reviews every Monday and participating in Shannon Messenger's MMGM meme. Super fun, and I will explain it to you when I'm not in a rush. 

-The blog will be getting reformed. Or whatever. I'll be fixing the fonts, changing the background, and removing and adding tabs. I'll tell more about this when I have time, don't worry. 

That't that...for now. Hope you guys have a nice night. Bye!!!

-Cindy from Sweeter than Fiction