Friday, March 6, 2015

Guess what came in the mail???

     Eeeeeeeeeeee! My books came in the mail! Oh, but not any books...KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES was delivered to my house! I've read the book seventeen times, (yes I've been keeping track) and I've never loved it any less! I can't wait for Neverseen to come out, and if you didn't know yet, it comes out in November! As I've mentioned one too many times, Shannon Messenger is my absolute favorite author. She writes the best books and has the best humor. Check out her blog if you don't believe me (to do that, just click on Shannon Messenger). She. Is. The. Best. If you don't know already, there are three books in the series. Keeper of the Lost Cities, Exile, and Everblaze. I've read all of them multiple times and LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM. !!!! I only got Keeper of the Lost Cities and Exile, but Everblaze will be MINE soon. I even decided to take a few dorky pictures with them. If you don't want to see them, then I suggest you leave this post NOW. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Me with Keeper of the Lost Cities

Me with Exile

Me overly excited, holding both of the books. Aren't they beautiful? 


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