Saturday, March 7, 2015

Long day, pretty much nothing done...

     Argh. I have so much to do, yet I'm still doing a blog post. I have so much homework that I have to finish to go to my algebra class tomorrow and I just don't feel like doing it. I've spent the whole day just staring at my computer screen, not know what to do. I've also been reading Keeper of the Lost Cities. I just love that series. Ah. I could spend all day reading the gloriousness, but alas, my mom is now giving me a lecture on doing stuff in the last minute. Let that be a lesson to you guys. Do. Not. Procrasinate. I'm not sure how to spell it but whatever. Got to go. Wish me luck. Bye! 

                                                                                      -Cindy from Sweeter than Fiction

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