Saturday, February 28, 2015

Busy, busy, busy

     I'm literally sweating right now. But lucky for you guys, I made some time to do a blog post. (*wipes forehead*) So, basically, I've separated myself with Sweeter than Fiction. But that won't be for long. So here goes my rambling update about what's going on and what's going to happen. Starting now...

-As you can see,m Vicky's Diary is gone. Sorry guys, but I mean writing a chapter a week is a lot of work and I'm super busy. (I mean, check out the post title...) 

-Another thing, is that I will be doing a column (prolly on the side), about blogs I love. I think the list will be short, but that's subject to change. 

-A new tab is coming up. MY DIARY is going to be released tomorrow! 
(*pauses and does a weird happy dance*)

-I will be participating in Shannon Messenger's MMGM meme. It happens every Monday, and is basically a list of book reviews done by bloggers. 
Check it out HERE

-So, for the MMGM, I will be posting a book review every week. (Er, Monday if you want to be specific..)

-The Quote of the Day tab will be changed to QUOTE OF THE WEEK, because I don't have time to post something everyday like I did before. 

-Follow Sweeter than Fiction by email to get updates whenever I post something new!!! You can find the follow thingy on the side. :-)

-Um, I think that's it...

Well, see you guys later!! I'm going to try and fix this thing....

*clicks madly*

*realizes that she hasn't exited the post*

*sighs because of her stupidity*

*realizes again that she hasn't exited the post*

*covers face in embarassment* 

*exits the post in shame*

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